Growing Lilies in the Midlands
March is a weather challenge for farmers and gardeners alike. Fluctuating temperatures keep us on our toes as we cover and uncover tender plants. While it is extra work, I don’t mind because we still have ranunculus, poppies and anemone until the daytime temperatures are consistently above 70.
In addition to the weather dance, we also plan and plant for summer. We start summer seeds and plant bulbs for summer between now and mid- April. Most varieties take about 90 days to bloom so we are starting things now that will bloom in June and July.
One garden favorite is lilies. We have a good selection of lilies this year and I am wondering if some of you would like to purchase some of these large Oriental bulbs for your own gardens. We have a limited supply to offer.
Growing Conditions for Lilies
Lilies are relatively easy to grow and make a great visual statement in the garden. Find a spot that is sheltered from the wind and has afternoon shade. They can also be very successfully grown in pots, allowing you to move them to the light or shade as needed.
As with all bulbs, they need soil that is rich and drains well so that they don’t rot. Plant them 8 – 12 inches apart in the garden or no more than 3 per 16” pot. Water regularly but not heavily. Plant them 3 times to a depth equal to three times the height of the bulb. Our warm climate favors a little deeper planting.
During the season, the lily plants will get tall. You can stake them or plant them between shrubs that will provide support. Blooms can be left in the garden to admire or cut to bring into the house to enjoy. After bloom, remove any spent flowers and slow the watering. Leave the stalks to do their photosynthesis activity and strengthen the bulb for next year’s blooms. The stalks can be removed when they are brown.
Early each spring, side dress the bulbs with a balanced fertilizer. Mulch the plants with a light layer of leaves or compost.
Bulb Sale Information
In order to encourage people to get them planted at the optimal time, we are going to limit the window of the sale to two weeks. We will be posting the information on our website starting on Friday 3/24 until Friday 4/7. You will be able to order for pick up or local delivery if you are interested. (Sorry, we are not shipping yet but getting closer). These bulbs should be planted as soon as they are received, for bloom in late June or July. These are varieties that will bloom for years to come in your garden.
Here are the three varieties that we will be offering. Do you have other favorites?
Pink Zsar
There is more information about these and other spring bulbs on our website,
Happy Spring!