Life with Corona's Influence

Hopefully you are well, if socially isolated, as I write this.  We are certainly living in turbulent times. I expect that we will see some fundamental changes to life as we know it when we get through this period of uncertainty. Many of us are of the age to have experience other turbulent times. They can be very unsettling but as we know, this too shall pass. Not without disruptions and disappointments. Wishing you as much normalcy as possible through this transition to life with Corona in our midst.

Here on the farm, we are continuing to plant, grow and harvest. We will deliver our subscriptions as planned.  We will be taking special requests and fill them as our flower supply allows. We offer delivery for these special requests for a small fee.

We’ve added many new beds for more growing capacity, both in sun and in shade. Work is progressing on the new barn. Our fall planted hardy annuals came through winter just fine. A couple of additional weeks of warmth and they should begin to bloom!

For 2020 flower subscription holders, we have flowers for you! As you know if you have subscribed before, it is hard to predict when the first blooms will be ready in spring. So much depends on the weather conditions and they vary widely from year to year.  I will begin checking in with each of you to see who wants flowers this Friday or next Tuesday. This will not be the start of the weekly deliveries. There will be gaps until spring really gets going, but most of us are hungry from some blooms this time of year so I like to get them to you as soon as possible.

What are you doing to adjust to live under these circumstances?

New perennial beds

New perennial beds

Future home to the flower cooler and a classroom

Future home to the flower cooler and a classroom

New shade beds

New shade beds

Winter hardy annuals uncovered for spring

Winter hardy annuals uncovered for spring

This is an early blooming tulip called Double You

This is an early blooming tulip called Double You


Wishing you and yours good health along with faith, hope and love.



Updates From The Farm


January on the Farm