A Note on Daffodils
Daffodils are starting to show themselves around Columbia. This warm spell has really brought them out. If you have blooms or colored buds on your daffodils, you may want to go ahead and cut them before the freeze that is forecast overnight on Saturday. Cut the flower stem at ground level. Leave the leaves behind and uncut. Leaves absorb energy from the sun that restores the bulb for next year’s flower.
If you are lucky enough to have daffodils (including paperwhites and heirloom narcissus) and other flowers to make an arrangement, be sure to place the daffodils in a separate vase for 24 hours after cutting. The daffodils secrete a substance that is toxic to other flowers. Waiting 24 hours to mix them with anything else gives the stems time to heal over so they will not affect other flowers. If you trim your stems mid-week (a good practice for making your flowers last!) you must repeat the healing process before combining them again.
Winter isn’t over yet, but it sure has been nice to get this first glimpse of spring!
Wishing you a happy Valentines Day,
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